Drama Club

WCT Drama Club is designed for students interested in the Performing Arts. The club offers acting education and technical theater instruction in preparation for a Essex County Vocational district wide annual spring production and short skits and plays throughout the year.

Drama Club Advisor: Scott Clark



FFA / 4-H

FFA & 4-H are organizations for students studying Agricultural Science. National FFA is a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) that makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. National 4-H is a youth development organization for youth who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. FFA & 4-H provide opportunities for leadership development, scholarships/awards, competition, travel, community service, and networking with other youth, colleges/universities, and leading experts in the Agriculture industry.

Advisor: Dan Delcher

National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)

National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) strives to bring well deserved recognition, scholarship opportunities, and career opportunities to students who excel in one of the 108 career and technical educational fields as their profession. Not only do NTHS students embody all the attributes and talent which is in demand today, these students also embrace a clear vision for tomorrow’s workforce and their role in it. NTHS understands changes in industry within local communities and on a global scale. The West Caldwell Tech NTHS Chapter engages its members in community service, scholarship, and advocacy of Career and Technical Education.

NTHS Co – Advisors:

National Honor Society (NHS)

The West Caldwell Chapter of the National Honor Society is focused on two main themes. First, is service. That is, paying back whether by holding fundraisers or cleaning up beaches at the New Jersey Shore. Second, broadening the student’s horizons by visiting college campuses. In September, the chapter visited New York University with trips to Princeton and Montclair State slated for later this year.

NHS Advisor:


It is the mission of the West Caldwell Robotics Club to engage students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). We will be designing, building, and programming a robot to compete in the international FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition. Our students will not only learn about robotics and teamwork, but will also be exposed to STEM as a career option. Students who participate are also eligible to apply for over $20 million dollars in scholarships for a wide range of post secondary educational pursuits.

Robotics Advisor: Robert Lorenzo


National SkillsUSA is an intra-curricular, Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) that empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of America’s skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training. SkillsUSA enhances the lives and careers of students, instructors and industry representatives as they strive to be champions at work. SkillsUSA has open membership for all students in all Career and Technical Programs. West Caldwell Tech SkillsUSA has been recognized as a National Quality Chapter and has had numerous SkillsUSA State Championship winners.

Advisor: Dan Delcher

Student Council

Student Council helps share ideas, interests, and concerns within school.
The Council will help raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform.
The members of Student Council learn pertinent skills to help them in their future endeavors. Student Council will serve to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership.

Student Council Advisor:

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